Folding chairs are the most important equipment besides bedding in camping activities. When camping, we spend most of the time sitting. Compared to sitting on the damp grass, a comfortable and portable camping chair will greatly increase our happiness outdoors, whether it’s chatting, cooking, or making a fire. The chair makes outdoor life instantly comfortable. In addition, the camping chair has very rich application scenarios, which can meet people's needs for rest in a variety of outdoor scenarios. In addition to camping, fishing, picnics, motorcycle trips, mountaineering and hiking, chairs can all play an important role. In camps, parks, beaches, tidal flats, and some uneven ground, people with chairs can easily sit down and enjoy the scenery.
01/Small bench

Storage portability index: * * * * *
Sitting comfort index: * *
Flexible application index: * * * * *
The outdoor bench is small and easy to store. Many pony studs can be stored in a palm-sized piece. Because it does not have a backrest, the comfort is relatively average. There are many types of outdoor small benches. In addition to the most common mazza, there are also various styles of folding stool designs.

Application scenario Because the bench is small, it can be easily put on and left on many occasions, such as fishing and outdoor markets. Benches are generally relatively short, suitable for activities close to the ground such as making a fire. The application scenarios of the small bench are also rich and diverse. When camping, it can be used as a seat, it can also be used as a base for other equipment, and it can even be used as a storage for firewood. The application scenarios are very rich.
02/moon chair
Storage portability index: * * * *
Sitting comfort index: * * * * *
Flexible application index: * * *
The moon chair should be the most comfortable chair for sitting outdoors. Its biggest feature is its egg-shaped, arc-shaped chair surface, ergonomic design experience, comfortable sitting and covering.
▷ 03/Kermit Chair
Storage portability index: * * *
Sitting comfort index: * * *
Flexible application index: * * *
This kind of chair was first designed by Kermit Chair, an American outdoor furniture brand. At first, Mr. Kermit, a motorcycle enthusiast, wanted to design a chair that could be placed on a motorcycle and spent a long night by a campfire. Kermit chair is made by hand, white oak chair body is full of texture, and it is solid enough, portable and easy to disassemble. The Kermit chair can be easily folded into a flat shape for easy movement, or the chair accessories can be disassembled into a small bag and put into a bag.
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